
Take a quick read of our thoughts on everything OKR; whether it’s Culture, Performance or OKR opinions that you’re looking for then you’ll find it here

employees in workplace with paper notes

Who would have thought things could change so fast?

by Roger Longden | Mar 23, 2020

alignment, Leadership, mindset, OKRS, People, Productivity

COVID-19 eh?  Who would have thought things could change so fast? First off – it goes without saying that all of team TBG are keeping everything crossed in the hope that you and your families are safe and healthy, and continue to be. These are…

Building OKR alignment and engagement

by Roger Longden | Apr 14, 2019

alignment, engagement, People

Introducing our resident employee engagement experts – Rencai A word from their Founder, Matt Wilden While not large in employee numbers, the Rencai team are driven to deliver value for each client as we support them in taking a People-Centred approach to improving business performance.…

Don’t run before you can jump… Get your goals aligned first!

by Roger Longden | Aug 30, 2018

Goals, People, Productivity

Are all your employees working towards a common goal? If they are, that’s great. However, chances are they’re not. People can be naturally curious and easily distracted and, even within an organisation, are likely to have a wide range of different ideas, both about what…

The difference that Giants make – part 1

by Roger Longden | Jul 25, 2018


Why would you want to engage with There Be Giants? Aren’t we just another bunch of consultants with some fancy info-graphics who are going to take up your precious time and money? Well we’re different; yawn. I know everybody says that. So let’s prove it.…

CBA with values? Clearly, you’re not bothered about high performance then

by Roger Longden | Jul 03, 2018

Leadership, Leadership-development, People, Performance Management

If you know anything about me or There be Giants, then (hopefully) you know us for being pretty straight-down-the-line, we don’t do flowery or fluffy. So, why am I taking the time to talk about values? They are the fluffiest of the fluffy right? Well,…

What makes high performing teams so productive?

by Roger Longden | Jun 25, 2018

Leadership, Leadership-development, People, Performance Management

It’s an interesting question, isn’t it? What‘s the difference between an average team and one that consistently delivers over and above expectations?Obviously, to bring out the best in a business, you have to bring out the best in your people. All too often, however, there’s…